Online real estate sites are asking for more and more fees to advertise a property. This is nothing new to realtors who have to give in to the purchasing power of these portals. Just another reason to think about new real estate marketing ideas.

Potential customers are actually right outside the office! So the logical conclusion is: the real estate window display should be as appealing as possible to people passing by.

But advertising to potential buyers isn’t the only piece of the puzzle. Of course, potential sellers need to be attracted too, in order to have future properties to market. Additional services like property assessments, digital staging or support during the purchasing process, further show the realtor’s competencies and knowledge.

The window display for real estate therefore also has great influence on attracting potential sellers and furthermore represents professionalism. In our last blog post, we’ve highlighted already the issue of selection the right window display idea for particular business and not less important the reasons for doing so.

Because of that, many offices already use digital marketing in their display windows, instead of still working with printed listings. In this article, we will show you which opportunities you have when it comes to real estate advertising.

Digital Marketing in Your Shop Window Catches Attention

Your listings are your customer’s main focus. They are the first impression potential buyers have of a property. Which is crucial. Even sellers take them as an indicator for how properties are being presented and judge your expertise according to just that. Thanks to digitalization, it is no problem to show dynamic slideshows, videos or even virtual tours of properties. This makes digital window listings not only great attention-grabbers, but they are also informative, giving customers a great overview of a potential object without the need of having to visit.

Attraction of The Home Owners Through The Real Estate Window Display

Realtors are always looking for new ways to get new clients. From call centers to lead programs on the internet: no stone is left unturned. But actually at the same time, your brick-and-mortar space is a great, and free, place to win over local homeowners: Offer property valuations free-of-charge or digital staging. Your real estate window display is the perfect place to speak directly to homeowners, thanks to digital real estate marketing possibilities. Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures. By using multimedia content, you can easily communicate your services and effectively use real estate advertising. Especially videos (that can be easily embedded via YouTube) can grab the attention and provide information wrapped in entertaining stories.

Get in Touch With Property Owners

Realtors are always looking for new ways to get new clients. From call centers to lead programs on the internet: no stone is left unturned. But actually at the same time, your brick-and-mortar space is a great, and free, place to win over local homeowners: Offer property valuations free-of-charge or digital staging. Your real estate window display is the perfect place to speak directly to homeowners, thanks to digital real estate marketing possibilities. Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures. By using multimedia content, you can easily communicate your services and effectively use real estate advertising. Especially videos (that can be easily embedded via YouTube) can grab the attention and provide information wrapped in entertaining stories.

Show Your Advertisings 24/7

The daily struggle: Your office is empty because you and your employees are viewing properties. This is a bad scenario for potential customers, who have seen an interesting property in your window but are now standing in front of closed doors. Out of sight, out of mind. The potential customer is going online to find other interesting properties, or, even worse: he finds the same property at a competitor! By using marketing for real estate agents, realtors don’t have to be present to get in contact with customers. Customers can, for example, scan a QR code on a listing to automatically send a request for more information. Around the clock, without an online portal.

Share Your References

When a property is successfully sold or rented, another happy customer can look forward to his new home. Realtors should use this special moment and take pictures of the happy faces (hopefully) when they receive the keys to their new place. All of these successful projects can then be added to a digital pin board in your window display and showcase your satisfied customers. Another option is to use online customer reviews on your screens. The opinions of satisfied customers create transparency and trust and are the best, free, references you could ask for.

Build a Community Around Your Brand

Every property has an interesting story to tell. Don’t forget the area it is in: the different possibilities for activities or future events close by. All of these things are interesting to potential buyers and will factor into their purchasing decision. Realtors can become storytellers by using social networks with a strong emotional connection, like Instagram, and can show off their knowledge of their own city.

So when taking images of new listings, their surroundings should always be kept in mind, too. The pictures can then be easily uploaded to your social networks and can even be displayed on your own screens in the office in real time. By adding your own hashtags (e.g. #letsMeetBerlin) you can create an entire community and encourage people to upload their own images.

Integrating Facebook and Twitter into your playlists is also a great real estate advertising idea. Sharing current real estate news on your timeline provides passers-by with interesting insights into the industry and encourages them to like and share your profile.

Introduce Your Team

Successful real estate advertising is based on personal interactions and winning the other person’s favor. So don’t forget to market your real estate, agents! Realtors should use their digital signage in windows to introduce the team as a whole and each individual colleague, providing faces to the names on the listings. Include qualifications or professional licenses, but also personal tidbits or fun facts. This builds trust with potential customers in advance.


The real estate industry is ever changing. Transparency, knowledge and additional services for customers are gaining importance. But all these have to be presented to potential customers in an appealing way. Digital real estate advertising in window displays is a great opportunity to do this and strengthens the realtor’s image of being modern and customer-focused.

Author Claus