Do you want to keep your screens up-to-date with high-quality information? Without a lot of work and with just one click?

Then discover our new rubric now: News. You will find top news, which you can add to your playlist in a simple drag n’ drop motion.

Free Content: Your Ready-to-Use News

In order to maximize the potential of your screens and to offer your viewers a high amount of information and entertainment, new templates are now available: our complete RSS contents from professional news sources. You are able to simply integrate important, daily news into your playlist and bring the most interesting headlines to your screens.

viewneo news offerings

You will find these, in addition to the already existing free content, in your viewneo account. This allows you to use pre-made slides with daily content of the most popular messages, free of charge, to add to your own playlists. The RSS contents refresh automatically and the news always stay up-to-date. Your newsfeed, in a professional, ready-to-use design – log in now and have a look at the new content!


Author: Claus Hombrecher is a trusted expert and author in digital signage, technology innovation, marketing and business transformation.
